The 30 Day Challenge

Adam Cheliose Doing Day 2s Challenge, SMILE!

So you may already know about The 365 Day Challenge, but what’s The 30 Day Challenge?

Well thanks to the genius called Adam Cheliose who gave me the idea of making a more interactive and fun way to improve yourself, the idea is to take a 30 day challenge where you do a challenge a day, but also take a picture of yourself  (or if you’re camera shy then you can upload a picture that relates to the challenge or of someone else)  doing each challenge and upload every day to a site like Facebook (it would be awesome if you posted it on The 365 Day Challenge facebook page!).

Why would you do this?

  • First of all it’s fun, you can get your friends involved, you can make it funny, etc.
  • It holds you accountable. You will be more likely to follow through on the days challenge since everyone knows that you’re doing it. The best part is, your friends can help you along and they might even do the challenge with you!
  • Hopefully you can help someone, and allow them to improve themselves like you have yourself.

What do you need to do?

  • Choose a challenge each day that you would like to participate in. Here is a list of challenges that you can choose from so far, more will be added (hopefully daily).
  • The day of the challenge on the list page doesn’t have to correspond to what day you’re up to keep in mind.
  • Take a photo (it can be funny or serious) and caption it with a brief outline of the goal and what you did (again it can be funny or serious).
  • Jump onto The 365 Day Challenge’s facebook page, and where it says “Write something…” just above it click the Photo button. Upload the photo, add the title of the challenge plus what day you’re up to along with the caption you wrote earlier.
  • Remember to tag yourself in it!

Here is an example;

Here is an example of what itll look like 🙂

I look forward to seeing your photos on The 365 Day Challenge’s facebook page!

P.S. don’t feel shy to carry on past the 30 days, go for as long as you want! And remember to have fun!

6 comments on “The 30 Day Challenge

    • Hey there Anibal, if you click the “The 365 Day Challenge’s facebook page” link which is in black text in the above post you can go onto the page and click the like button from there.

      Thanks for liking it in advance!!! 🙂 I hope I will see you joining us for the 30 day challenge!

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